Freelance Whales are like
Arcade Fire for your little sister, only your little sister is in college now and she's actually pretty cool and has tons of hot friends. Their excellent debut album
Weathervanes is all stirring nostalgia for the effervescence of youth and tracks like bookend album highlights "Generator ^ First Floor" and "Generator ^ Second Floor" sound like that simultaneously beautiful and tragic moment you realize that shit, lil' sis might actually be cooler than you are.
MP3: "Generator ^ First Floor" - Freelance Whales
MP3: "Generator ^ Second Floor" - Freelance Whales
Thank you for this. I follow your RSS so I never comment. Almost everything you guys post I get hooked on. I have discovered a ton of bands through you guys.. so thanks. Just thought I should leave something
Damn, I was coming here to leave a comment identical to ryanparker.
PMA loves Neon Gold. Your releases, as well as the artists you guys recommend. Like Ryan said, almost everything you guys recommend is fantastic ear candy.
Don't stop :)
That's gotta be one of your best paragraphs ever. "shit, lil' sis might actually be cooler than you are". Brilliant.
I want some fucking Horchata now.
This is really really good. Kinda surprised, move over Horchata!
stunning and cadaverous is a great turn of phrase.
I love your blog!
Great post indeed.
Another anonymous comment letting you know we love your work! Love almost all the stuff you guys put out/reccommend! First found the blog when Starry Eyed was released and ever since I stay checking for whatever you reccommend. Peace!
such a beautiful song! thanks :)
Nice picture and blog,very cool!!!
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