MP3: "Sleepyhead" - Passion Pit
Available on pre-order now from the Neon Gold Shop, the 7" features some seriously excellent artwork from Germany's FRAUGRAU and is strictly limited to 1000 copies, 500 for the US and 500 for the UK. UK and International customers can get the record directly from our friends at Puregroove, who we're excited to have on board as the exclusive overseas dealer for all things Neon Gold. And while we're shouting out collaborators we just need to express an unspeakable amount of gratitude to Michael Wenzel, who handled all the web development for Neon Gold's entire online presence. Dude rocks shit coding for MTV Networks and other next-level projects and still programmed everything for us for free simply for the love of the music.
Among other things to keep on your radar is our official website (mainly because it's nice to look at) and our Facebook page for anyone who wants to make sure they're 1000% on top of their shit when it comes to all things Neon Gold. Oh and be our friend on MySpace, we're just kicking it with Tom right now and it's getting a little awkward. And last but not least, if you really love us you can consider donating at this link (or by pressing the button on the right sidebar). The entire Neon Gold team (all two of us) are still scraping by as college students hemorrhaging rent money and this record label shit ain't cheap, so throw us some dollars if you're feeling lucrative and want to help us continue to bring you good music in the years to come (and if you're like us and too broke to help anyone out but yourself it's okay, we completely understand).
So yeah, cheers all around. Here's to better things and we hope you enjoy the ride every bit as much as we're planning to.
wow!! Love Sleepyhead... Derek you are a genious, neon gold will reign supreme.
loving sleepyhead but... giving something away for free on the same page as you are trying to sell it??
Links updated...
(and if the vinyl prints are limited then giving the mp3s away is less of an issue - I've ordered one)
good work guys, wish you lots of luck, if everything else is half as good as your first release, i expect big things.
all the very best!!
uh derek dude i really hope that this shit works out for you man. passion pit are really great and i sound like your mom but i hope you do good with this.
hey keep up the great work! love the blogging. i see PP got a great review in NME for "i've got your number". sometimes NME actually DOES get it right haha
My copy arrived in the post today!!!
good work guys, wish you lots of luck, if everything else is half as good as your first release, i expect big things.
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